ROPWM allows for control of the PWM outputs on the RobotOpen board. Pulse width modulation is frequently used for electronic speed controllers (ESC) or servos. Valid range is between 0-255, 127 being neutral.


ROPWM(uint8_t channel)

Creates an ROPWM instance with the given PWM channel (the first channel typically being 0).


void write(uint8_t setpoint)

Set the PWM channel to the given value. Automatically attaches a PWM channel if detached.

void detach()

NOTE: Supported on Sasquatch and Gorgon only. Detaches a PWM channel after being attached. This will neutral out most speed controllers and disable servos.

void attach()

NOTE: Supported on Sasquatch and Gorgon only. Re-attaches a PWM channel after being detached.


// create a left drive ROPWM object on channel 2
ROPWM leftDrive(2);

// set it to 200